New Online Courses!

Check out our online survival courses, bushcraft courses, and outdoor media courses! These self-paced courses will teach you a range of skills anywhere, anytime! Our mission is to help people reconnect with nature through these skills, and now you can join the StoneAgeMan journey no matter where you are in the world!


Winter Snow Camp – 4 Day (2025)

Every February, in the thick of the Wisconsin winter, we team up with survival expert and outdoor guide, Greg Weiss up in Cornucopia, WI to learn and play the snow. This is kind of like a winter survival skills course, but don't worry, we don't drop anyone off in the woods to survive on their own. It's a time to learn some primitive skills, bond with likeminded individuals and get back to how you were without all this modern tech.

Amazon Rainforest: Peru 2025

We are leading our first big Amazon rainforest trip out of Iquitos, Peru (dates still TBA). We’ll explore the plants, animals, fungi and communities in the region to appreciate this ecosystem better.