Microdosing vs Macrodosing Magic Mushrooms W/ Tradd Cotter || S.A.M Talks
There isn’t a simple fix to the world’s problems, but there are ways to make the world a better place. Be it the opioid crisis, rampant biodiversity loss, high rates of mental illness, or anything in between, people are hurting and need to get better. Now, if we were all able to connect to each other more, and be more self-aware of ourselves, our feelings, and our actions, maybe we could make more progress. As much as it might surprise you, magic mushrooms could be a key part of the puzzle to making that happen.
In this episode of StoneAgeMan Talks, Rob Nelson talks with Mycologist Tradd Cotter about the benefits of psilocybin mushrooms for therapy and microdosing vs. macrodosing:
The Summary
As a summary, Tradd talks all about the benefits that psilocybin mushrooms can provide in a therapeutic sense. He explains how psilocybin is a lot like the chemicals in our brain and how it essentially helps the brain to be more plastic and better connected, as well as allowing us to be more in tune with ourselves. It is also good for problem solving, creativity, trauma, and more. Both Rob and Tradd share some great personal stories to help illustrate the positive changes that they have experienced by using psilocybin.
Tradd emphasizes the non-addictive and non-toxic nature of psilocybin, discussing how it can help people break away from addictive substances and situations, including nicotine, alcohol, and even bad habits and toxic relationships. Psilocybin offers a non-narcotic and non-toxic alternative for addressing these issues, largely through creating a profound self-awareness. They also talk about the indirect positive effect of taking magic mushrooms. For example, most people tend to feel more in touch with their body and attuned to what they put into it – whether it’s food or substances. Essentially, it helps you to break addictions and bad habits, and live a healthier life.

The discussion then moves to focus on psilocybin’s potential for treating depression, drawing from studies conducted by Johns Hopkins. It mentions the use of high doses to achieve lasting benefits, with participants reporting an 80% reduction in depression symptoms six months later.
Microdosing vs Macrodosing Psilocybin
Rob asks Tradd to break down the difference between microdosing (small amounts over longer periods of time) and macrodosing (higher doses over only a few sessions) as well. For the most part, microdosing can provide a feeling of energy and focus, while macrodosing leads to profound experiences.
In Tradd’s opinion, in terms of traumas and depression, the only way to really get better is to get to the root of the problem with a macrodose. He calls the microdose a “bandaid” and the macrodose a “root canal.” Where only the latter will lead to true progress in healing.
Macrodosing at a Retreat
Tradd goes through both their holistic approach to magic mushroom therapy at his psilocybin retreat and what it is like to take psilocybin mushrooms. An interesting point he makes is how the dosage that they prescribe is always a bit different depending on the person. This fact also demonstrates the importance of working with a professional.
Tradd mentions various other reasons for why you should only explore macrodoses of psilocybin with a professional. First, set and setting (the emotional and physical environment) is very important for safe and effective psilocybin experience. Next, the integration process of psychedelic psychotherapy that follows the experience is crucial. This time is needed to work through the insights gained and to ensure lasting positive changes.

Finally, for people who are concerned about taking magic mushrooms, Tradd takes a moment to highlight the safety of psilocybin mushrooms compared to pharmaceutical drugs. He makes this point by emphasizing the absence of drug-related deaths from using magic mushrooms and reassures people that in a proper setting, even though it can be uncomfortable to uncover traumas and other experiences, it is well worth it.
All in all, Tradd says that we are in a “Revolution and paradigm shift of healing” where people are embracing psilocybin mushrooms for therapy and realizing the incredible impacts that they can have! Watch the full interview for more!